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The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee met on Monday, June 7, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers of the Newtown Municipal Building, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

PRESENT: ~First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra, Selectman William F.L. Rodgers, Selectman William F. Furrier and members of the committee: Michael Floros, Paul Lundquist, Robert Maurer, Ben Roberts, Nancy Roznicki, Alan Shepard, Gary Steele, Deborra Zukowski, Dennis Kyle, and Stephen Zvon.  ABSENT:  Michael Mossbarger.  ALSO PRESENT:  Several members of the public and one member of the press.

First Selectman Llodra called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and thanked everyone for their participation.  She then asked for everyone to introduce themselves.

First Selectman Llodra stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the work the committee will be engaged in.  She noted that the Board of Selectmen’s goal is to move forward to a better understanding and to have a greater consensus within the community regarding the role of Fairfield Hills within the town.  She reviewed the committee’s charge and noted that the Master Plan is a Strategic Plan for Fairfield Hills and that it should be consistent with the Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD).  She also discussed the importance of soliciting active participation from the public and seeking other views, as well as providing their findings to others.  She encouraged the committee to be open to other ideas for Fairfield Hills that would benefit the greater good of Newtown.

Selectman Furrier agreed with First Selectman Llodra but added that he would like to see the committee come up a cost/benefit/value analysis and asked them to review how approvals are obtained.

First Selectman Llodra asked the committee to think in the long term and cautioned them not to prejudge opportunities.  She said the committee is the engine of discussion and generators of information and ideas, that they should move forward and are not responsible to be accountable for past decisions.  She also said that it is not in the charge of the committee to determine the governmental body that should be in charge.

Selectman Rodgers asked the committee to respect process and highly encouraged them to seek out public participation and do whatever it takes to get the community involved.  He discussed past misconceptions and asked the committee to challenge assertions they may hear.  He then asked the committee to bear in mind the distinction between the planning and the execution of the plan and that this committee is concerned with the planning and that the Fairfield Hills Authority is responsible for the execution of the plan.  He said there are no boundaries on exploration but that everything should be tied back to the Master Plan.  

First Selectman Llodra asked the committee to test the viability of the original themes in the Master Plan and to confirm they are still reflective of the community’s core values and are relative to 2010.  Mike Floros was asked to gather the group to determine meeting dates and begin discussion on identifying leadership.  She noted that the Board of Selectmen is providing  the committee with a tentative deadline of December for a report and will be checking in periodically for updates.  The committee was asked to consult with the Economic Development Commission, Planning & Zoning and The Fairfield Hills Authority to obtain information that has been gathered so far. First Selectman Llodra said that the committee brings together tremendous skills and a diversity of experience and points of view, which is what the Board of Selectmen wanted.  

Selectman Rodgers said if the chosen Chair does not have experience with a public body, they should meet with the First Selectman and/or Dave Grogins  (the Town’s attorney) to discuss fundamentals or procedures.  Selectman Furrier discussed his concern with the separation of powers with respect to the approval process for Fairfield Hills.  Discussions continued regarding hard costs and benefits versus soft costs and benefits, and the difference between strategic and tactical plans.  It was asked if the Master Plan is a Strategic Plan or a Tactical Plan, First Selectman Llodra said it is more of a hybrid of the two.  She also stated that some parts of the 2005 plan may not be relevant to the 2010 plan.  

The committee was thanked for their willingness to participate in this venture.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk.